пятница, 12 марта 2010 г.

Maohopper Chess

The object of game is to capture opponents flag.

The player cannot cause the repetition of position.


Flag is a piece that cannot move and cannot be moved.

Maohopper is similar to the chess knight - it ends up the same distance away, but the difference is that it must jump over a piece. The maohopper is considered to move first one square orthogonally, and then one square diagonally (away from the starting square) to its destination square. The intermediate square must be occupied by a piece.

Butterfly is an Ubi-Ubi-hopper.

Frog is a Rose-hopper.

Worm is a Night-hopper.

Red dots indicates possible position after move.

Maohopper has one possible move.
Worm has 5 possible moves.
Frog has 5 possible moves.
Butterfly has 8 (correct - 9) possible moves.

Reflecting Ferz is like a Reflecting bishop limited by 1-square moving and multiple reflecting. Has the additional ability of multiple reflecting off the pieces or stones (see diagram).

Spear moves 1-space in direction pointing then may rotate, or may rotate without moving. It has three directions to move: straight forward, forward-right, forward-left.

Game Courier notation (White/Black):

Straight forward: SM!/sm!
Forward-right: SM4!/sm4!
Forward-left: SM7!/sm7!

Spear promotion: Spear may promote on 7(3) rank to Rose-hopper or Night-hopper... on 8(2) rank to Reflecting Ferz or Windmill... on 9(1) rank to Ubi-Ubi-hopper or Flag. If it promotes to a Flag you must remove your previous flag from the game.

Mason moves like a Guard. Cannot capture pieces. May be captured. May move stone 1 square in direction of moving (see diagram).

If a piece (of any colour) stands on h4-square that piece would be captured.

If there are two (or more) stones adjacent each other Mason may move two (or more) stones, like it do with one.
For example, Mas0n stands on f5, stones: g4, h3. After move: Mason - g4, stones - h3, i2.

Windmill moves as follows: first it chooses a piece, friendly or enemy, or neutral (stone), adjacent to itself. It can then move either clockwise or counterclockwise around that piece, passing through empty squares adjacent to the piece around which the Windmill is moving. The Windmill can end on an enemy piece, capturing it. The Windmill must end on a square different than the one it started on.

Stone is a neutral piece. Can be moved by Mason. Cannot be captured.

Chessvariants Game Preset